Object Creation and Export Using Blender

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Object Creation and Export Using Blender

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Navigation:  Tools and Other Software > Third Party Software > Blender >

Object Creation and Export Using Blender

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Creating objects in Blender

Object creation is very similar in every 3D program, please have a look at the gmax chapter as well.

Exporting from Blender to Pandoras Box

If you are done with your object and are ready to export it, first of all, go into Object Mode and press [Ctrl + A]. Then select "Rotation & Scale". This will apply all your rotation and scaling. It might also be required to apply "Location". Now you can export either as X or 3DS.

To export directly to Pandoras Box simply choose "File->Export->Direct X (.x)". You might have to activate the plugin first (see image):


The Warper, may as well import files saved in the 3DS format. Choose "File->Export->3DStudio (.3ds)" to export a 3DS file. Refer to the following image for the correct export settings:
