Add Layers to Pandoras Box

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Add Layers to Pandoras Box

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Add Layers to Pandoras Box

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This tool allows you to easily add one or several new Graphic or Video Layers to the PB V5 Master Device (and its connected Clients) directly from within the Widget Designer.

Please note:
This tool does not work if connected to a PB Master Device below Version 5. If you are working with a Pandoras Box product with limited layers, the maximum layer count cannot be exceeded. Note that PB version 8 comes with unlimited Video Layers and therefore discontinued the Graphic Layer type.


[Video Layer] / [Graphic Layer]:
Choose whether you would like to add video or graphic layers.

[Site ID]:
Enter here the ID of the site to which new layers should be added.

Enter here the amount of layers you want to add to the specific site.
Press [Generate] in order to generate the specified amount of layers to the site. Depending on the amount, this may take a while and prevent the Master from reacting.