Array Align Layers

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Array Align Layers

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Navigation:  Widget Designer > Tools > Pandoras Box >

Array Align Layers

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This tool allows you to arrange several Graphic or Video Layers from your PB Master Device and its connected Clients to form a pattern - a line (1D), a rectangle (2D) or a rectangular box (3D). This kind of arrangement can be done from within the Widget Device faster and easier.
Please read the next topic if you are interested in a circular alignment.

Please note:
It is recommended to use this tool with a PB Master Device Version 5.

[Site ID] and [Device ID]:
Enter here the ID of the site and the starting device to address the layers which should be arranged.

Tick the check box if the generated position values should not be entered as active values, but silent values.

[No Damping]:
Tick the check box if the position values should be applied instantly without the Pandoras Box setting for Translation Smoothing.
This damping time can be adjusted in the site's Inspector.

[Start Location]:
Enter the X, Y, Z position and choose whether the starting point should be centered or not.

[Align Mode]:
Set the radio buttons to form a line (1D), a rectangle (2D) or a rectangular box (3D). The X, Y, Z values apply for the offset between the layers whereas "Count" defines, how many layers are influenced. In the depicted example the offsets between the 5 horizontal layers are set to 2 and the vertical offset to -3, in total 10 layers (2.1 to 2.10) are arranged.
Please note that the positive X direction points to the right side, the positive Y direction points to the bottom and Z points into the display.