The Camera Tracker lets you track up to 99 objects and outputs via an attached DirectShow compatible camera, NDI- or RTSP stream. The number of cameras/streams is limited to 8.
The tracking data is available via the Camera Tracking Input Node for further processing. The touch points may be used in e.g. the Multitouch Panel as well.
Open the Camera Tracker Tool from the Devices menu. In the Camera Tracker Tool you set up and connect to the unit/stream. Once connected you see the video input displayed in the preview and you can start setting up your tracking.
Please note:
This tool as well as the other video processing tools inside WD need a lot of RAM and CPU power!
The device window is divided into several sections:
At the bottom of the dialog you see that the "Auto Apply" option is ticked per default. This means that all changes are applied automatically without the need to press the "OK" or "Apply" button.