Motion Detector

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Motion Detector

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Motion Detector

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The Motion Detector Tool lets you divide a video input into any amount of columns and rows. It displays the color difference per segment caused by moving objects and outputs this data via the Motion Detector Input Node for further processing.

Open the Motion Detector Tool from the Devices menu. In the Motion Detector Tool you set up and connect to the unit/stream. Once connected you see the video input displayed in the preview and you can start setting up your tracking.


Please note:
This tool as well as the other video processing tools inside WD need a lot of RAM and CPU power!


Video Settings


Choose your DirectShow Camera Device, NDI- or RTSP stream from the drop-down list.



Select the format (resolution, frame rate, aspect ratio) in the drop-down list. Please note that the format is automatically set when using NDI- or RTSP streams.



Enter an URL in case you chose "RTSP" from the Device list. This can be an address from a web cam within your local network for example or a link to a public stream.




Enter here the amount of columns the video input should be divided in.


Enter here the amount of rows the video input should be divided in.

Noise Reduction

Check this option to apply a noise reduction on the video input.

The values inside the single segments display the color difference caused by moving objects.

To use these values for further processing, please refer to Motion Detector Input Node.