This chapter explains how to copy effects from one layer to another via the command "Copy FX" and alternatively via containers that contain FX keys.
To copy effects from one layer to another one, simply right-click the first and choose "Copy FX Structure" and "Paste FX Structure" on the second.
The FX structure (i.e. order) from the first layer is added to the second layer even though it might already have (same or other) effects. The example shows that two effects are pasted to "Layer2" but as "B&W Add" already exists, the pasted one becomes "B&W Add(2)". Note that active values are also copied.
Effects are added automatically to a layer when you move or copy Containers to it that contain FX Keys. If the target layer has already an FX with the same name (or in case of several FXs, the FX order matches) the Keys are copied to the existing effects.
Let's take the example from above before pasting the FX structure: If you copy a Container from Layer1 (with Keys for both effects!) to Layer2, only "B&W Multiply" is added there.
However, if Layer2 had other effects or the same ones in a different order, the result would be different. In the following example, "B&W Multiply" is applied to Layer2, but in Layer1 it follows the other one and that is the reason why both effects are added to Layer2 in case a Container is copied or moved.