Devices and Layer Parameters

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Devices and Layer Parameters

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Devices and Layer Parameters

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This chapter explains all different devices and layer types that can be controlled via the timeline.
Please see the topics Sequence, Device Tree and Device Control tab if you are rather interested in learning how to actually add devices to the device tree or how to work within the Sequence, i.e. how to change and store values, program timelines etc.

Layers in Pandoras Box Systems




full motion video (and audio) playback; image sequences or static images


ASIO playback, synchronized to the Master clock


optimized for the use of Particle systems (*)


displaying the mouse pointer or touch inputs


illumination of other layers including shadow


rendering and controlling of Notch scenes


set up the viewpoint / look-at-point onto your 2D / 3D composition;
first render path / Composition Pass and source for the Output Pass


controls the overall output of the Client including keystone and softedge;
second render path /  Output Pass

To add a specific Layer type, right-click the Site and choose "Add Device" or "Add Multiple Devices". Since version 8, all Layers except the Pointer Layer, can be added unlimited times. However, as soon as a Site should be manifested on a connected Client, the maximum number of Output Layers is bound to the number of available "Pandoras Box Software Licenses". Multiple licenses can be stacked by combining dongles or they can be applied to a single dongle.
Per default, the source of an Output Layer is a camera texture. If you add a new Output Layer, a Camera Layer is generated automatically and cannot be removed unless the according Output Layer is removed. However, you can add more Cameras than Outputs, e.g. to have different viewpoints from a 3D composition.

(*) The Particle Layer has significantly reduced layer parameters and one Particle System with a Particle Emitter already applied, hence its ready to be used. You can of course drag Particle Systems to a normal Video Layer but the Particle Layer provides an easier workflow.

The Venue Site device is for pure (pre-)visualization. It renders your programming (of Clients) on 3D objects that form a virtual copy of your stage.

See the following chapters:
Video Processing Pipeline – Get to know the layer and rendering structure (i.e. first and second render paths) in Pandoras Box
Working with Effects - Learn how to add effects to layers and work with them

Controlling External Devices

One of the most important features of Pandoras Box is its ability to control a wide range of devices based on various output control protocols. Beside Pandoras Box Clients other devices such as DMX, RS232 / 422 or any TCP/IP device might be remote controlled from any timeline as well. This allows perfectly synchronized show control. The topic External Control goes more into detail.



Serial Link Device

remote control Serial Link or other external RS232 / 422 or TCP/IP devices

TCP Device

remote control TCP/IP devices, e.g. projectors or matrix switches

Widget Designer Device

sending commands and values to Widget Designer application

DMX Devices

remote control external DMX device via DMX / Art‑Net