This topic explains the section "Preview Settings" of the ID Tag node, for general information about IR ID tracking and links to other chapters please see the topic ID Tag Tracker.
2D Camera View
3D Tracking
Choose what you would like to see in the preview:
"3D Tracking" shows a virtual 3D space with visualized camera icons, all tags and a 3D model of your stage if set up in the section "Marker Settings & Rendering". To navigate in the 3D space use the middle mouse button (wheel): Scroll = Zoom, Drag = Pan, [Alt] + Drag = Rotate
The "2D Camera View" shows the real camera image. Here, you may choose between grayscale, segment and tracking mode...
If the preview is in "2D Camera View" mode, the camera's image is seen as:
- a grayscale image with detailed information (draws most performance)
- a segment image with information reduced to pixels above the setup threshold - all these pixels are examined to wear a tag ID, if they do, a tag is displayed as described in "Preview Window"
- a tracking image with information reduced to pixels found to belong to a tag (draws less performance, each time the node properties are closed, this mode is entered)
The frame rate of a camera (depicted in the corner of the preview) depends on the selected mode. The maximum available rate is only achieved in the tracking mode.