Lighting Console Settings

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Lighting Console Settings

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Navigation:  Widget Designer > Nodes > Input Nodes > Devices Input > ID Tag Tracker Input >

Lighting Console Settings

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Click to enlargeThis topic explains how to setup tracking with lights, e.g. a moving light (or follow spot) follows the position of a person wearing a tag. The goal is to give you a short to do list with settings for Widget Designer and for the lighting console. For general information about IR ID tracking and links to other chapters please see the topic ID Tag Tracker.

As an exemplary console the GrandMA 2 was chosen. Other consoles supporting PSN work also but their settings might differ.


Network connection between console and Widget Designer PC
Widget Designer and the lighting console are connected via network and both are setup with a static IP address. You can use any IP range but if you would like to send Art-Net data additionally, you should use a  2.x.x.x IP address and as subnet mask. Make sure that this connection works by pinging the console from the WD PC! When using the onPC-version, double-check also that your anti-virus software and Firewall are not blocking incoming data.

Same origin
The 3D world setup in WD for the tracking and the 3D space setup in the console for the (moving) lights should be based on the same origin position, i.e. 0,0,0 point and scaling. It is possible to offset and rescale data, but it makes life much easier to work with the same reference point from the beginning. You may choose to use different orientations (rotation of axises) but you must then swap or invert the axises for the PSN data. Most likely you need to choose XZY.

Lights position and orientation are measured and the light fixtures are setup accordingly
 Based on the mentioned origin, the moving lights' position and orientation needs to be measured and in Stage View all light fixtures need to be placed according to these figures.
 1st tip: Level the moving lights (e.g. with a water level). 0.5° rotation can have a huge impact on the position of the follow spot and it is far easier to level a device than measure its exact rotation.
 2nd tip: Using a laser distometer saves time especially for many lights and large distances. There are many 3D laser tools available, we offer an interface for the 3D Disto from Leica.
Before mounting the lights it makes sense to mark the point whereto you would like to measure e.g with tape. Check whether the console knows your light and the distance (offset) between the pivot in the yoke and the lens. Measure then the distance between your own marker and the lens and add / subtract this when entering the height for the light
3rd tip: Mark 4-8 positions on your stage, measure them and tell the lights to go to this point. Depending on a light's offset to these various stage positions, you can modify its position and orientation until it is accurate enough.
4th tip: Check whether the movement of the lights in Stage View accords with the real movement, if not swap the Pan / Tilt parameter. For doing so, you might need to deactivate "XYZ Positioning" in "Fixture Types" temporarily.

- Tracking in WD is setup
 All cameras are calibrated and when a tag moves around, it does the same in the preview without disappearing and jittering. Mark 4-8 positions on your stage, measure them and place a tag onto them. Check whether the value from the ID Tag Tracker node coincides with your measurement.

Settings to control a Moving Light / Stage Marker with a tag

Click to enlargeIn WD...
- Connection Manager > Enable PSN protocol (do not change the IP from the PSN Server)
- ID Tag Tracker node > Enable PSN data
- ID Tag Tracker node > ID Tag Settings > add all tag IDs you want to use

Click to enlargeIn the lighting console...
- Setup > Network > PSN Network Configuration > Enabled => button is highlighted in yellow
- Add > Tracking System
 - the column "Enabled" should say "Yes"
 - the column IP" should display the IP address from the WD PC
 - the columns "Multicast" and "Port" should coincide with the (default) settings found in the WD Connection Manager

Click to enlarge- as explained above, your patch should already include the light-fixtures; check in "Fixture Types" that "XYZ Positioning" is turn on
- add a MA-Stage Marker-fixture to the patch, that is one fixture per ID tag

Click to enlarge- Setup > Network > PSN Network Configuration > View Tracker => displays a list of all PSN IDs, their Fixture ID and incoming XYZ-position
- assign a fixture to each PSN ID (i.e. tag ID)


- the below images depict 14 moving light fixtures hanging site by site in a truss whilst 2 stage markers (IR tags) lay on stage

- as the last step, select a fixture and go to "Position" to attach a marker to it

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge