StreamiX Desktop is a TCP based Desktop Streamer that works as a Live Input in Pandoras Box (PB). This tool streams any Windows desktop region, for example a dedicated area of an Excel sheet or any other application content, and may be used as a Live Input of a PB Client or PB Master directly. In addition it may stream a chosen file from the hard disk. In return you might as well stream the Preview area to other PB Clients.
This way you can send any desktop content directly into Pandoras Box without using capture cards. As the content is transferred via TCP please keep in mind that the tool is not designed to be a fully-fledged substitution for DVI input cards. It is rather meant to stream either low frame rate content or single images or low resolution content.
To meet the systems performance it is possible to set up different frame-rates and sizes of the desktop region to be streamed.
Even though StreamiX is designed to be used as a 1:1 connection, you may use several instances of StreamiX Desktop at the same time on one system. These may either send their data to a single PB Client or to several PB Clients.
In return one PB Client may receive data from several StreamiX Desktop applications. However, keep your systems performance and network traffic in view, a 1:1 stream may be already the limit!
By rule of thumb one stream with a resolution of 1024x768 px and a frame rate of 30fps will run fluently on a gigabit network.
The total number of StreamiX Live Inputs depends on the license of your PB Client. See the Product Overview for detailed differences.
The Pandoras Box CITP based Desktop Streamer for users of WYSIWYG or Capture Polar is described here.