To get started with Visual Basic or C# please follow these steps.
Installing the IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
To be able to convert the code you write to an actual executable program you will need a few tools. Fortunately, Microsoft provides all these tools bundled in one application called Visual Studio. Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Visual Basic or C#.
Download page: http://microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/downloads#d-2010-express
Direct installer downloads: Visual Basic & C#
Creating a project
After starting Visual Studio click File > New to create a new Project. Choose your project type (ex: Console Application) from the list and name it using the text box at the bottom. When the project has finished loading, you need to add the Pandoras Box SDK. Select Project > Add Existing Item from the top menu. Choose PbAutomation.* in the file dialog . In case you have not previously downloaded it: Download SDK
Adding PandorasAutomation.dll
After saving your project, open the Windows Explorer and navigate to your project's folder. There you will find a couple of directories. Put PandorasAutomation.dll in the following directory: <ProjectPath>/bin/Debug/
Now you are ready to use Pandoras Automation with Visual Basic. When exporting applications, make sure you keep PandorasAutomation.dll next to the application.exe
Visual Basic Specific Information
The Visual Basic SDK provides an additional class to ease the workflow. The Class Param contains constants for the default parameter names (excluding effect parameters) used in all parameter functions.
C# Specific Information
It is required by C# that all functions are within a class. That means, that all C# functions are in class Auto and instead of calling AutoGetContentIsConsistent(2,2)you will have to put a dot in between Auto and the function name like this: Auto.GetContentIsConsistent(2,2)
When using Auto.SetParamDouble in combination with enum TransportMode you need to convert the enumerator to a double value.
Example (using explicit cast):
Auto.SetParamDouble(1,1,"Playback Transport",TransportMode.Pause) must be changed to Auto.SetParamDouble(1,1,"Playback Transport",(double)TransportMode.Pause)