This chapter gives an overview of the members available for the AirScanManager device.
Please read the chapter "AirScanManager" if you would like to know how to add and use this device. As explained in the topic"Object and Member Notation (dot syntax)", all kinds of objects can be addressed in the scripting language by using their members which set (or return if applicable) properties or methods of that object. Please refer to the chapter "Script Language" for more details about scripting in general.
Project.AirScanManager(deviceName or ID) |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gives access to all further members of the device "AirScanManager" from the Configuration dialog. Using the Project object is an alternative to addressing the device directly by entering its name. The Project object allows to address the device through its name or ID. Substituting the ID with a dynamic variable allows automation. Actions can be performed on many devices of the same type simultaneously, e.g. by using for-loops: |
AirScanManager.Disable |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This disables the device "AirScanManager1" in the Configuration dialog as if the "Enable" check box in the window was unchecked. Use the .Enable member to reverse this command. |
AirScanManager.Enable |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This enables the device "AirScanManager1" in the Configuration dialog as if the "Enable" check box in the window was checked. Use the .Disable member to reverse this command. |
AirScanManager.IsEnabled |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This returns the status of the check box "Enable" for the device "AirScanManager1" in the Configuration dialog as a string or Boolean value. You could also write it into a Widget, e.g. a Label via the script: Label1.Text = AirScanManager1.IsEnabled or simply display it in the Debug Logger: DebugMessage(AirScanManager1.IsEnabled). |
AirScanManager.ObjectSize |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets or gets the desired object size that needs to be detected to generate a touch point. |
AirScanManager.SetObjectSize |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets the desired object size that needs to be detected to generate a touch point. |
AirScanManager.GetObjectSize |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets ObjectSize, that is the desired object size that needs to be detected to generate a touch point. |
AirScanManager.GapSize |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets or gets the desired gap between two objects before they're considered as one object and generate one touch point. |
AirScanManager.SetGapSize |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets the desired gap between two objects before they're considered as one object and generate one touch point. |
AirScanManager.GetGapSize |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets the desired gap between two objects before they're considered as one object and generate one touch point. |
AirScanManager.EnableGuiPoints |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets or gets if WD shows AirScanManager generated touch points as touch points on its local GUI (not on clients in external web browser). These points will appear as blue circles, and in run mode they are able to perform touch events on widgets like click and move over. |
AirScanManager.SetEnableGuiPoints |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets if WD shows AirScanManager generated touch points as touch points on its local GUI (not on clients in external web browser). These points will appear as blue circles, and in run mode they are able to perform touch events on widgets like click and move over. |
AirScanManager.GetEnableGuiPoints |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets EnableGuiPoints value, and that value decides if WD shows AirScanManager generated touch points as touch points on its local GUI (not on clients in external web browser). These points will appear as blue circles, and in run mode they are able to perform touch events on widgets like click and move over. |
AirScanManager.EnableTuio |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets or gets if AirScanManager sends its multi-touch data via the open source protocol TUIO or not. In order to output multi-touch data to other applications. |
AirScanManager.SetEnableTuio |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets AirScanManager to send its multi-touch data via the open source protocol TUIO. In order to output multi-touch data to other applications. |
AirScanManager.GetEnableTuio |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets EnableTuio value, and that value decides if AirScanManager sends its multi-touch data via the open source protocol TUIO. In order to output multi-touch data to other applications. |
AirScanManager.EnableMouse |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets or gets if touch point with ID 1 controls the system mouse pointer movements or not. |
AirScanManager.SetEnableMouse |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets if touch point with ID 1 controls the system mouse pointer movements or not. |
AirScanManager.GetEnableMouse |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets if touch point with ID 1 controls the system mouse pointer movements or not. |
AirScanManager.EnableMouseClick |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets or gets if the mouse can generate clicks. Use the MouseClickEventType to define when the click should be executed. |
AirScanManager.SetEnableMouseClick |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets if the mouse can generate clicks. Use the MouseClickEventType to define when the click should be executed. |
AirScanManager.GetEnableMouseClick |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets if the mouse can generate clicks. Use the MouseClickEventType to define when the click should be executed. |
AirScanManager.MouseClickEventType |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets or gets when a mouse click is generated. Available types: "Default", "Enter" and "Leave". |
AirScanManager.SetMouseClickEventType |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets when a mouse click is generated. Available types: "Default", "Enter" and "Leave". |
AirScanManager.MouseClickEventType |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets MouseClickEventType value, and that value decides when a mouse click is generated. Available types: "Default", "Enter" and "Leave". |
AirScanManager.MouseDownOnMove |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets or gets if left mouse down on move is always active. Its only available when "EnableMouseClick" is activated and set to "Default". |
AirScanManager.SetMouseDownOnMove |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets if left mouse down on move is always active. Its only available when "EnableMouseClick" is activated and set to "Default". |
AirScanManager.GetMouseDownOnMove |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets if left mouse down on move is always active. Its only available when "EnableMouseClick" is activated and set to "Default". |
AirScanManager.DefineTpmCalibration |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This function starts the define TPM calibration proccess. |
AirScanManager.AlignDevicesCalibration |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This starts the alignment calibration proccess of AirScan Units in the AirScan device. |
AirScanManager.CalibrationAutoDetection |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets if the detection of calibration touch points during calibration proccess is automatic (True) or manual (False). |
AirScanManager.SetCalibrationAutoDetection |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets if the detection of calibration touch points during calibration proccess is automatic (True) or manual (False). |
AirScanManager.GetCalibrationAutoDetection |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets if the detection of calibration touch points during calibration proccess is automatic (True) or manual (False). |
AirScanManager.CalibrationAudioGuidance |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets or gets if there is an audio guidance during calibration proccess (True), or no audio guidance (False).). |
AirScanManager.SetCalibrationAudioGuidance |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This sets if there is an audio guidance during calibration proccess (True), or no audio guidance (False). |
AirScanManager.GetCalibrationAutoDetection |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gets CalibrationAudioGuidance value, and that value decides if there is an audio guidance during calibration proccess (True), or no audio guidance (False). |
AirScanManager.ConfirmCalibration |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This confirms current calibration point during manual TPM calibration proccess. |
AirScanManager.CancelCalibration |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This cancels any ongoing calibration proccess. |
AirScanManager.Units |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This member allows access to AirScan unit's properties. |
AirScanManager.Units.Enable |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This returns the status of the check box "Enable" for the AirScanUnit "AirScanUnit1" in the device AirScanManager1 in the Configuration dialog as a string or Boolean value. |
AirScanManager.SetUnitEnable |
Example: |
This enables "AirScanUnit1" from "AirScanManager1" if value is True, and disables "AirScanUnit1" from "AirScanManager1" if value is False. |
AirScanManager.Units.IpAddress |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This returns the IP address of AirScanUnit "AirScanManager1" as a string. The result could look as follows: "". |
AirScanManager.SetUnitIpAddress |
Example: |
This sets the IP address of "AirScanUnit1" from "AirScanManager1". |