Backup Menu

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Backup Menu

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Navigation:  Pandoras Box > User Interface - Manager > Menu and View Bar >

Backup Menu

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The backup menu is of interest if you run a second Master for backup reasons or if you are in a Multi-User environment with several Masters. In general, the command "Take Over All Sites In Domain" helps you (re-)connecting Clients in case of problems. It simply tells all available Clients to connect to this Master device.



You can run a "Show" Master and a second "Backup" Master in the same domain without causing any conflict. As long as one device is in the Backup mode, it won't give out any control data.

Per default, a Master is started as the Show Master and displays "Live" in its status bar, in the lower right corner of the user interface.


To change a Master into backup mode, go to the Backup menu and choose "Change Mode to Backup". The status line at the bottom of the user interface displays"Backup" highlighted in orange.


If it becomes necessary to toggle this device to Show Mode, choose "Change Mode to Live" or "Take Over All Sites In Domain". Both commands quit the Backup mode and tell the Clients to connect to this Master device.


As explained in the chapter Multi-User, there can only be one Main Master but several Sub Masters. Per definition, the Main Master hosts the session and the connection to the Client(s). If a Sub Master calls the command "Take Over All Sites In Domain" he will become the new Main Master and will be connected to the Clients directly. The previous Main, becomes a Sub Master.

Again, the "Main" or "Sub" status is displayed in the status bar, in the lower right corner of the user interface.