Curve Editor

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Curve Editor

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Curve Editor

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This topic explains how to work in the Curve Editor. It allows to fine-tune the behavior of a parameter over time. The Curve Editor opens automatically when a parameter is loaded into it, as shown below. To open the Curve Editor manually, click on "Tabs" in the Toolbar and choose "Curve Editor".


For changing the curve of a parameter, make a right-click on this parameter in the device tree and choose "Load into Curve Editor".
You can also double-click the parameter name in the device tree.

Please note that you need a sequence in order to edit curves.

In the example, the opacity of Device [2.1] is loaded into the curve editor.

Underneath the tabs you see the timeline and the current position of the now pointer. The first time you open the Curve Editor it opens with time 0:00:00:00, press play (or hit the space bar) to jump to the time the now pointer is located in the sequence tab. From now on as soon as you position the now pointer differently in the sequence tab, the frame in the Curve Editor will follow automatically and vice versa.

As well container and keys are synchronized.


Below the timeline there is the clip container including a thumbnail and the name of the clip. The greyish borders on the left and right mark the start and end time of the clip container. The greyish borders on the top and bottom mark the value range of the parameter (depending on 8 or 16 bit values).

In this example the opacity key at the left border shows a constant value going until the end of the clip.

To navigate in the Curve Editor there are three modes:
curve-editor_select-icon - select and edit clips, key frames and their handles
curve-editor_zoom-icon - zoom the y-axis (the parameter value range) that is depicted on the left diagram border. Pressing [Alt] will zoom out. Alternatively you may use the shortcuts [Shift and + or - ] on your main keyboard.
To zoom the x-axis (the time) use [+ / -] , just as you do it in the sequence.
curve-editor_move-icon - move the content depicted in the Tab in both axes (without moving the now pointer). Alternatively hold down the M key on your keyboard.


Inserting and Removing Keys

To insert more keys for the used parameter, right-click in the Curve Editor and a new key will be created.
To remove a key, select it and press [Delete] on the keyboard.

Editing Keys

To move a key, please drag and drop it to the new position.
Moving it left and right will move it within time.
By moving it up and down, the value of the key increases or decreases.

With the shortcut [Ctrl + left or right arrow] you snap the now pointer exactly to key frame. Now, when dragging the key frame up and down it will stick to the same time.


If you want to move it to a certain value, do a right-click on the key and insert the value or click inside the value field and move the mouse-cursor up and down.

Alternatively you may use the Device Control Tab or the Inspector Tab. But only the Inspector gives the possibility to multi-select item and change them synchronously.


Curve Types

To change the curve type of a key, select the key and choose a Curve Type from the drop down menu in the Inspector Tab.
You can choose between Linear (Standard), Bezier, Bezier Corner, Constant and Stop.



- Linear
  A linear line is drawn between the previous and next key.


- Bezier
 The key gets two handles and you can intuitively smoothen the curve by moving the handles and changing their length. The handles always will stay in a line.


- Bezier Corner
  Compared to Bezier the handles can be modified independently from each other.


- Constant
  The value of the key will be continued until a new value is given.


- Stop
  The connection to the next key will be removed, the key's value will be held until a new value is given.