Device Control

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Device Control

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Device Control

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The Device Control tab shows all available device parameters for the Device that is selected in the Device Tree. If several devices are selected, the one with the gray dotted line is loaded.


Please see the chapter Devices and Layer Parameters for detailed information about each parameter and available layer types. This chapter covers more general information, i.e. the context menu, how to collapse/expand sections and how to work with the controls.

The parameter values are shown in decimal readout and centered by default. To display them in percentage readout and/or non-centered, please have a look in the Configuration tab > Devices / Parameters.

Changing Parameter Values

You can change a parameter in the Device Control tab or in the Device Tree, as described here. All changes made to the parameter values will turn the parameter active and red (until it is stored in the Sequence).

device-control_opacity-faderIf there is a fader for the parameter, you have the following possibilities to change the parameters value:

-Use the fader handle for coarse control

-Click the fader once and use the arrow keys [Up] or [Down] => +1 / -1 steps; hold [Ctrl] too => +10 / -10 steps.

-Click in the numeric value field above the fader and drag it up / down for sharp tuning.

-Click the arrow buttons next to the numeric value field for finest control.

-Enter the new value manually into the numeric value field (double-click first) and press [Enter] to apply the change.

-Press the "Reset" button to set the parameter back to its default value. The status "active" will be removed from the parameter.

If there is only a numeric value field for the parameter, you have the following possibilities to change the parameters value:

-Click in the numeric value field and drag it up / down for sharp tuning.

-Click the arrow buttons next to the numeric value field for finest control.

-Enter the new value manually into the numeric value field (double-click first) and press [Enter] to apply the change.

-Press the "R" (for reset) button to set the parameter back to its default value. The status "active" will be removed from the parameter.

Linking Parameters

To link several parameters click on the link icons below the faders or numeric fields in the Device Control tab or in the Device Tree. If one of the parameters is changed now, all parameters linked will accept the values in relation to it. Only parameters from the same type (like rotation or scaling) can be linked! Per default, the Scale parameters are already linked.

Expand & Collapse Parameter Sections

To have a better overview in the Device Control Tab, parameter sections may be shown in collapsed or expanded mode. Below you see, that only the sections for the Position and Rotation parameters are expanded.


To collapse / expand a parameter section:
- Click the "-" or "+" icon in front of a parameter section name
- Double-click the parameter section name or its following line
- Double-click in the area below the parameters
- Use the right-click menu

Context Menu

If you right-click in the height of the parameter section name, the context menu opens.

- Collapse / Expand the current parameter section
- Collapse all other parameter section except this one
- Remove All FX from the device
- Expand any parameter section by name.