DMX Link Input

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DMX Link Input

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Navigation:  Widget Designer > Nodes > Input Nodes > Connections Input >

DMX Link Input

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The DMX Link input node provides all incoming DMX data via the Pandoras Box DMX Link interface.


Node Properties

Choose the DMX channel and if it is a 8bit or a 16bit value.

Node control

With Widget Designer version 6, all nodes support so called node commands. Node commands access functions (i.e methods) from a node and / or set a parameter (i.e. property).

Enter "node", followed by the according ID and a dot and a list will pop up showing all available commands for the node. For instance, Node1.TintColor.SetRGB(125,0,255), colors the node in purple.
In addition, the node properties with a parameter ID (the small superscript number) can be edited via the command Node1.SetParam(ID,new Value) or WDNodeSetParam(NodeID,ParamID,Value).

Node output values

The Node generates the following output:

- DMX Value