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This chapter gives an overview of the events that are raised by a Fader Extension device and that can be used in the Event Listener.
Please read the chapters "Fader Extension" and "Event Listener" if you would like to know how to add and use both. The available members that can be used in our scripting language are explained in the chapter "Fader Extension Members".
Fader4.Value = value
This event is raised whenever the according Fader changes its value.
The event returns one parameter to WD which is an integer with the name "value" and holds the current Fader value.
If you select the event "Fader4.Value" and copy the example into the scripting field of the Event Listener, the Widget Designer Fader with ID 4 will be assigned with the same value from the Fader Extension fader whenever it is moved.
Label1.Text = "YourMessage"
This event is raised whenever the according button is pressed down.
If you select the event "TopKey1.Pressed" and copy the example into the scripting field of the Event Listener, it will write "YourMessage" into the Label with ID 1 whenever the first button on the top of the Fader Extension is pressed down.
Label1.Text = "YourMessage"
This event is raised whenever the according button is released.
If you select the event "TopKey1.Released" and copy the example into the scripting field of the Event Listener, it will write "YourMessage" into the Label with ID 1 whenever the first button on the top of the Fader Extension is released.
Label1.Text = isConnected
This event is raised whenever the connection state changes from disconnected to connected or vice versa.
The event returns one parameter to WD which is a Boolean value with the name "isConnected" and holds either "true" or "false".
If you select this event and copy the example into the scripting field of the Event Listener, it will write "true" or "false" into the Label with ID 1 whenever the device dis-/connects.