This topic explains the section "2D Camera Tracking Settings" of the ID Tag node, for general information about IR ID tracking and links to other chapters please see the topic ID Tag Tracker.
This section includes settings that influence when a tag is recognized as an ID and when the ID is blocked. Before changing these options, make sure that you see the tag's light in the preview by setting up the "Camera Settings" and that the "Mode" in the section "Global Tracking Settings" matches the one the IDs were configured with.
Max Motion |
This defines the maximum distance an ID can move from one frame to the next. If it is faster, the ID will be removed from the tag. |
Min Distance |
This defines the minimum distance two IDs can be next to each other. If they get closer, their IDs will be removed. For a scenario where several tags are attached to one object (e.g. on a panel) it is likely that they are quite close to each other (from the view of a camera or a certain rotation angle). The minimum distance should be set up in such a way that the tags do not disappear when rotating and moving the object. At the same time the max. motion should not be larger than the min. distance as this could allow that an ID "jumps" over to another tag in case of a short fault detection. This is why the two parameters are linked to each other. |
Min /Max |
This defines how small or big a tag can be seen from a camera before its ID is blocked. |
Pre-Filter |
This can be called a pre-damping as it defines the number of passed frames from which the position of a processed 2D point is averaged. |