This topic explains the section "3D Tracking Settings" of the ID Tag node, for general information about IR ID tracking and links to other chapters please see the topic ID Tag Tracker.
This section includes settings when the 3D Tracking Mode is used (see section "Global Tracking Settings").
Average 3D Points |
Enable the "Average 3D Points" option if you have set up several ID tags with the same ID and like to average their position. With the number field you define how many tags with the same ID should be taken into account. |
Max Ray Count |
This defines how many cameras are taken to determine the 3D position of a tag. The higher the value is, the more performance is needed. |
Offset XYZ |
With the offset options you can shift the origin of the 3D space, and thus all positions of the tags, without the need of re-calibrating all cameras. Read more... |
Scale XYZ |
With the scale options you can increase or decrease the scaling of the coordinate-system of the 3D space, and thus all positions of the tags, without the need of re-calibrating all cameras. Read more... |
3D Threshold |
The better the cameras are calibrated and the better the tag light detection and environment is, the more the position from a tag for one cameras consents to the position for another camera. Realistically, the tag's position is a little bit different for each camera. If the estimated position from one camera is further away then the "3D threshold", which is 25cm per default, then this camera is not taken into account and the next available one is taken. |
XYZ Swap and Invert |
With the swap and invert options you can rotate the X-, Y- and Z axises of the 3D space to change its orientation, and thus all positions of the tags, without the need of re-calibrating all cameras. Read more... |