This topic explains the section "Camera Lens Calibration" of the ID Tag node, for general information about IR ID tracking and links to other chapters please see the topic ID Tag Tracker.
This section includes all settings for calibrating the lens.
Each lens deforms its image in a different way and it increases the accuracy of the tracking if this deformation is compensated. The lens deformation usually needs to be done only once as long as the lens is not removed. For the very best accuracy it is recommended to redo the calibration if the lens focus is altered.
As long as the cameras are not calibrated by you, Widget Designer calls the default calibration files from its installation path:
C:\Program Files\Christie\Widget Designer...\Wd\Data\Resources\OptiTrackNode\camera
If the default or your custom calibration files were able to be loaded, the section will be colored green, otherwise red.
For calibrating a lens you need a special image that depicts a checkerboard (details below...). You can either print on a hard board or glue a printed paper to it. Note, that the board needs to be as straight and plane as possible.
Wrench Icon |
The button opens the "Camera Calibration Settings" dialog which is described in more detail below... In short, here you set up how the image looks like that you use for the calibration. The image is a checkerboard and is hold in different poses in front of the camera whilst snap shots are saved. |
Calibrate |
This calibrates the selected camera with the settings taken in the "Camera Calibration Settings" dialog. |
Folder / Load Icon |
Click the Folder Icon if you have calibrated the selected camera before and wish to load its data from a different path than the default one: |
Disk / Save Icon |
Click this button if you wish to save the calibration data for the selected camera to a different folder than the default one: |
Camera / Precision Icon |
Click this button if you wish to see the result of the Calibration (again). |
This informs you about the field of view of the camera lens. The FOV is calculated during the Calibration and cannot be changed manually. |