Notes Inspector

Navigation:  Pandoras Box > User Interface - Manager > Tabs Overview > Inspector >

Notes Inspector

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Navigation:  Pandoras Box > User Interface - Manager > Tabs Overview > Inspector >

Notes Inspector

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Like Note Tab, there is a field for notes inside the inspector for the following types:

- Sequences
- Workspaces
- Video Layer
- Pointer Layer
- Light Layer
- Track Layer
- Notch Layer
- Particle System Layer
- Camera Layer
- Output Layer


The text entered in the notes section cannot be formatted. You can only enter short notes and categorize them using the dropdown for Regular, Warning, or Critical.

After entering a note and selecting the category, the Sequence, Workspace, or Layer displays a pencil icon in a color denoting the category type:
White pencil icon—indicates a Regular category note.
Yellow pencil icon—indicates a Warning category note.
Red pencil icon—indicates a Critical category note.