What's the PB Menu?

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What's the PB Menu?

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What's the PB Menu?

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This chapter answers the question what the PB Menu is and for which Pandoras Box installations we recommend to use it. This is only a very short overview, please see the chapters PB Menu and Server Management

PB Menu

The "PB Menu" is a launch application that is pre-installed on all Pandoras Box hardware like Compact Players and Servers. It starts automatically when booting. It covers the Windows desktop and offers quick access to the most relevant actions, e.g.
- starting the PB Master or Client software (manually or automatically when (re)starting PC)
- opening the Windows Explorer (File Browser)
- setting up the IP address, output resolution, date and time, etc.

Further, the PB Menu displays crucial information regarding the network, disk space and output state.


You can download the PB Menu from the Download-Center on our homepage. Even though the PB Menu is primarily designed for our hardware you can also install it on custom Windows hardware running Windows 8.1 /10, 64 bit.

Server Management Application

The PB Menu includes the Server Management Application. Its main purpose is to manage multiple hardware systems, keep track of their status and to establish a VNC connection to another computer to remote control it.

Furthermore you can access your entire system from a single point for updating Pandoras Box or Widget Designer along with gathering log files of all connected machines instead of manually remoting into each system, one after another.


Computers and other devices are depicted as icons on a page showing necessary information and status updates. This provides a good overview of important devices in the network.