Circle Align Layers

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Circle Align Layers

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Circle Align Layers

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This tool allows you to arrange several Graphic or Video Layers from your PB Master Device and its connected Clients to form a circular pattern. This kind of arrangement can be done from within the Widget Device faster and easier.
Please read the previous topic if you are interested in an array alignment.

Please note:
It is recommended to use this tool with a PB Master Device Version 5.

[Site ID] and [Device ID]:
Enter here the ID of the site and the starting device to address the layers which should be arranged.

Tick the check box if the generated position values should not be entered as active values, but silent values.

[No Damping]:
Tick the check box if the position and rotation values should be applied instantly without the Pandoras Box setting for Translation and Rotation Smoothing.
These damping times can be adjusted in the site's Inspector.

[Start Location]:
Enter the X, Y, Z position for the starting point. The "Start Angle" defines where the first layer is positioned.

[Align Mode]:
The "Layer Count" influences how many layers are arranged in a circular pattern. "Radius" enlarges the size of the formed circle. "Orientation" gives the possibility to span the circle in a XY / YZ / XZ plane.

In the image the option "Rotate Layers" is activated, the layer's lower sides do not face down any more but towards the circle`s center.

"Set Pivot To Circle Center" was ticked as well. The Rotation Pivot Point is positioned in the circle's center. Now, a constant rotation can be applied, for example.