Art-Net Monitor

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Art-Net Monitor

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Art-Net Monitor

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The Art-Net Monitor is a very useful tool if you would like to monitor Art-Net data on the network or simply find out if the DMX channels you are looking for have the right values.


The button "Toggle Overview" shows (or hides) a table with all Universes and Subnets. The table can also be clicked to see all channels from a respective universe. Alternatively, you can choose the universe with the drop-down list(s) on the left side. You can either choose a "Universe" and "Subnet" or a single "Universe #" in case the option "Universe As Single Number" is checked.
The left table shows all 512 channels belonging to the selected universe. If no values are sent on the universe, "---" is displayed per channel. As soon as one channel receives a value, it is displayed with a blue bar graph as seen above. In the universe table on the right side, the universe is also depicted in blue. Note that all other channels for the universe are displayed with a 0 value as Art-Net always sends the entire universe, not only one channel.
If channel values cannot be received anymore (e.g. because the connection is interrupted) the displayed blue values turn gray. In other words, gray data is just an information what was sent before but is not present anymore. In that case you can erase them with the "Clear" button. Now, "---" is displayed per channel until values are received again.

The drop-down list "Adapter" lets you select the network adapter that is used for Art-Net.

If you use WD to send Art-Net and you do so by broadcasting the values, you will be able to see these values in the Art-Net Monitor too. If you are unicasting the values, please switch to another Art-Net Monitor, e.g. the one in the PB Menu. More information about broadcast and unicast...