Cue Generator

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Cue Generator

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Cue Generator

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The Cue Generator Tool allows you adding cues into a timeline in Pandoras Box Master Device.

This can be done in two different ways:
- Arranging a specific amount of new cues evenly over a time period.
- Arranging a specific amount of new cues with intervals.


[Sequence ID]
Enter here the ID of the sequence in which you want to add new cues.

Generate Cues Over Time

[Start Cue]
Enter here the ID for the first cue that will be added.

[Cue Count]:
Enter here the amount of cues that will be added.

[Start Time]:
Enter here the time at which the first cue will be placed, in the format (hh:mm:ss:ff).

[End Time]:
Enter here the time at which the last cue will be placed, in the format (hh:mm:ss:ff).

Enter here the frame rate the sequence is set to in Pandoras Box (FPS = Frames per second), see Sequence Inspector.

Enter here the type of the new cues: Play, Pause or Stop.

Generate Cue with Interval

[Start Cue]
Enter here the ID for the first cue that will be added.

[Cue Count]:
Enter here the amount of cues that will be added.

[Start Time]:
Enter here the time at which the first cue will be placed, in the format (hh:mm:ss:ff).

Enter here the frame rate the sequence is set to in Pandoras Box (FPS = Frames per second), see Sequence Inspector.

Enter here the time interval after which the next cue will be added to the timeline, in the format (hh:mm:ss:ff).

Enter here the type of the new cues: Play, Pause or Stop.