Context Menu - Scripting

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Context Menu - Scripting

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Context Menu - Scripting

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This chapter explains the options from the scripting context menu. It opens when you right-click in a scripting field, no matter whether that is in a Custom Script button, Macro, etc.

Useful Tools from the Context Menu


Executes the whole script inside this field

Test selected Lines

Executes all highlighted lines or the line in which the cursor is located


Searches for the highlighted expression (only text search)

Find references

Searches for the highlighted expression (searches for references to the marked object)

Find next  / previous

Goes through all found expressions

Go to definition...

Shows the origin of the object, i.e. the line where a local variable is initialized, the variable list if the object is a global variable, or it opens the function / macro editor if the object is one of those.

Automatically show Assistant

Uncheck this if you do not need the Script Assistant

Filter Style

Select one of the three possible Script Assistant's filter styles.

- Starts with expression
The Script Assistant will show only entries that start with the entered expression. This is useful if you are already familiar with the command structure and know which group of commands you need.

- Contains expression (this is default)
You do not need to know how exactly the command starts, typing "fader" will suggest "WDFader..." too. Type more characters to shorten the list or use the arrow keys [Up] or [Down] to select a command from it and press [Enter].

- Camel Case
This is the fastest way of getting the correct command if you already know which command you want to use. This filter type requires deep knowledge of the command structure, as you only type in the letters that are written with capitals in the command (this way of writing with capitals inside an expression is called "camel case").
e.g.: type in "wdfd" and the command "WDFaderDown" will appear in the list box.

If you have one preferred filter style, you can set it up in your User Profile as the default value.

Test Debugging

Enables the Debug Logger for the "Test" function mentioned above and clears it if necessary

Enable Debug Logging

Uncheck this if you do not want the Debug Logger to open.

Open Debug Logger

This opens the dialog Debug Logger.

Always show errors / warnings

Per default, the Debug Logger does not open automatically to show whether a script includes an error. It opens only if you choose the "Test"command from the right-click menu. If you would like to always see errors and warnings, enable this option.