This topic explains how to install and setup a new graphics driver and how to check your current driver version. Please refer to the main chapter if you are interested in other NVIDIA settings.
The graphics card driver on your Christie hardware product is tested and certified by us for best video rendering and playback performance. Even if the installed driver might not be the newest one available from the NVIDIA website it is NOT recommended to update this driver to their latest one.
If it is necessary or you were told by our support team to reinstall or update the graphics card driver please follow these steps:
1) Download the driver according to your hardware version. Please refer to the our Download-Center for recommended driver versions.
2) Run the driver setup in user custom (advanced) mode.
3) Deselect the options for NVIDIA update and nView but select the option for "Perform a clean installation"
4) After the installation is finished please reboot the computer, also if it does not do it automatically
5) After the reboot go to the NVIDIA Control Panel, section "Manage 3D settings" and change the following options to match our defaults:
Antialiasing – Gamma correction = OFF
Maximum pre-rendered frames = 1
Texturing filtering = High Quality
Vertical Sync = Force ON
You can always see which graphics card model and driver version is installed in your hardware by clicking on the "System Information" button on the bottom left corner of the NVIDIA Control Panel.
In the upcoming window you can see the graphics card model on the left and the driver version in the first line on the right part of the window.