Graphics Card Settings

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Graphics Card Settings

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Navigation:  Hardware and Accessories > Input and Output Cards >

Graphics Card Settings

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This chapter is the introductory chapter for graphics card settings and includes:
- Changing the resolution
- Setting up multiple displays (Mosaic)
- Setting up frame lock
- Installing and setting up the graphics driver

These topics refer to the NVIDIA Control Panel as all Pandoras Box hardware is equipped with NVIDIA graphics cards.

The PB Menu allows to setup display output settings in a simple way, e.g. setting the resolution for each display. Simply click the Settings button and choose "Display Setup".

Another possibility to set the resolution is the LCD Menu. In case you are working with Server hardware that is equipped with a LCD Menu, you may access basic resolution settings through the front panel i.e. without the NVIDIA Control Panel.

The NVIDIA Control Panel itself offers all settings including the more advanced ones, e.g. the way multiple displays should be addressed, frame lock options, etc. The available output settings depend on your graphics card model but in general they match those explained in the following chapters referring to the model "Quadro M4000". If you are not using the PB Menu which can open the control panel, open the right-click menu from the Windows desktop or the Start menu and choose the link from there.

Do not disconnect any display cable from the graphics card during runtime!
When changing display cables directly on the graphics card, we recommend to always shut down the system first!

In addition it is required to close the Pandoras Box Client or Master software when modifying the display setting.
Restart Pandoras Box software after applying changes regarding the resolution or display mode. Make sure that all displays have the same refresh rate.