This is a combination of the following three effects that are mostly used when your content requires a basic color correction: First, an "RGB max" effect allows setting a maximum level for the red, green and blue color channel.
Brighten simply shifts all pixel values higher or lower when adjusting the Brighten Factor. Technically, each RGB value is multiplied with a factor. In difference to the "Gamma RGB" effect, this is a linear function.
The Burn Effect is used to lighten areas of the image. The Threshold parameter allows defining the intensity value of the pixels from which on Burn should take effect. Use the Factor parameter to set the amount of burning.
This is an alternative to the "ColorContrastBrightness" effect. It allows adjusting Color, Contrast and Brightness.
This increases or decreases the original color values based on the CMYK values. In contrast to the additive RGB (red,green,blue) color model, CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) is a subtractive color model.
The CCB Effect allows adjusting Color, Contrast and Brightness. The Chroma parameter itself works like the "Brighten" effect, it multiplies each RGB value with a factor. The Contrast parameter multiplies bright colors with a factor to make them brighter and divides dark colors with a factor to darken them further. The Brightness parameter adds a value to each RGB value equally.
This shifts the RGB pixel values (individually or together) higher or lower to brighten or darken the image. Technically each RGB value is multiplied with a factor. In difference to the "Brighten" effect, this gamma correction is a non-linear function.
Creates a lighting effect on the image, the colors for High, Mid and Low Lights can be adjusted separately.
Changes the color of the image based on the HSV (hue, saturation, value) RGB color model, also called HSB (hue, saturation, brightness). Changing the Hue in- or decreases all color hues in the image accordingly.
Changes the color of the image based on the HSV (hue, saturation, value) RGB color model, also called HSB (hue, saturation, brightness). Changing the Hue in- or decreases the color hue of the color set.
Changes the color of the image based on the HSV (hue, saturation, value) RGB color model, also called HSB (hue, saturation, brightness). Changing the Hue in- or decreases the color hue for the value range.
Allows setting the gradation levels for all three channels, RGB.
Allows setting the overall level gradation.
Posterize allows reducing the colour range by adjusting the amount of steps.
Adds RGB colors by the RGB color mix value, allows inverting the image.
Allows setting minimum and maximum levels for all three channels, RGB.
RGB CTB (color temperature blue) emulates the CTB filter that converts tungsten light of 3200K to 'daylight' color.
RGB CTO (color temperature orange) emulates the CTO filter that converts 'daylight' color to tungsten light of 3200K.
Allows adjusting the gamma for all three channels, RGB. The default value of 255 for RGB equates to a gamma value of 1.
Allows setting minimum and maximum levels for all three channels, RGB.
All RGB colors are multiplied by RGB color mix values. Multiply can be factorized and inverted.
Squishes the RGB levels. For lower parameters this effect can be compared to the "Levels RGB" effect.
Transforms the image from the RGB color space into the HSL color space.
Transforms the image colors from RGB (value range: 0 – 255) to Video Colors (range: 16-235).
Transforms the image from Video Colors (range: 16-235) to RGB (value range: 0 – 255).
Changes the RGB values of the image. There is a "Lower" and a "Higher" fader for each Red, Green and Blue. The "Lower" fader subtracts the according color from all image colors. For the second image red was subtracted. The "Higher" fader increases the according color by multiplying it with a factor. For the last image red was enhanced.
Converts the YUV colorspace (PAL / NTSC) to RGB color space.
This effect is of interest when your media file (e.g. a camera) transmits YUV color values which are wrongly interpreted as RGB values which therefore results in wrong colors. The effect leads to a proper result as the values are now interpreted as values based on the YUV BT.709 color space and converted correctly to RGB values.
This effect is of interest when your media file (e.g. a camera) transmits YUV color values which are wrongly interpreted as RGB values which therefore results in wrong colors. The effect leads to a proper result as the values are now interpreted as values based on the YUV BT.601 color space and converted correctly to RGB values.