Image Resource Manager

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Image Resource Manager

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Navigation:  Widget Designer > Tools >

Image Resource Manager

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The Resource Manager gives a fast and easy possibility to manage images within Widget Designer. It can be called from the Tools menu or when clicking a "Res" button in the style settings of a control, e.g. a Fader.
Example1: You are using images for controls like buttons and faders.
Example2: You are using the WD Remote App and send pictures from your Apple mobile device to WD.

The right-click menu lists the commands to add a file from your hard drive and to reset and refresh the resources within the Resource Manager. The "Delete" command works only for added images, not the once that are displayed per default.
If you send images via the WD Remote App, they are displayed automatically in Style:Default, Control:User.


In the item's properties (e.g a fader) you may find a [Res] button which opens the Manager as well. Instead of opening a specific file path for each item separately you may use the Resource Manager for a faster access.