Matrix Patcher

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Matrix Patcher

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Matrix Patcher

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For special applications where LED or lighting fixtures are required to be patched to individual pixels, you will need to use the Matrix Patcher to set up your patch. With the saved patch file in your Pandoras Box project, the output will be additionally rendered to multiple Art-Net universes.

The Matrix Patcher plays also an important role if working with LED video tiles that are connected via DVI and a LED video processor. Most LED video processors are capable of creating only horizontal and vertical layouts for the video tile alignment. As soon as any of the tiles are rotated (in any angle), content mapping can be very difficult and complex to setup.
For those creative applications Matrix Patcher and a new Pixel Re-Mapping FX were designed.

Please see the topics below for working with the Pandoras Box Matrix Patcher:

Matrix Patcher User Interface
Fixture Editor
Patching Guide
ReMapping Guide