Turns the layer texture into a binary pattern, the number of horizontal and vertical lines is adjustable.
This effect controls the RGBA value of all odd pixels and that from all even pixels, whereas adjacent pixels are never in the same "group".
This effect controls the transparency of all odd pixels and that from all even pixels, whereas adjacent pixels are never in the same "group".
Adds a checkerboard of any RGB color and alpha level to the layer texture. The following parameters can be adjusted as well: Amount, Softness, Size, Offset X&Y.
Adds a grid of any RGB color and alpha level to the layer texture. The following parameters can be adjusted as well: Amount, Softness, Size, Offset X&Y.
Turns the layer texture into single LED spots. Technical Information
Adds horizontal lines of any RGB color and alpha level to the layer texture. The following parameters can be adjusted as well: Amount, Softness, Size and the Offset.
Adds vertical lines of any RGB color and alpha level to the layer texture. The following parameters can be adjusted as well: Amount, Softness, Size and the Offset.
Turns the layer texture into a pattern of pixel dots. Threshold, amount and circularity can be adjusted, as well as color, brightness and alpha value. Technical Information
Adds a simple outline of any RGB color between transparent / non-transparent parts of the layer texture and removes the non-transparent parts of the file. Technical Information