
Navigation:  Pandoras Box > User Interface - Manager > Tabs Overview >


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Navigation:  Pandoras Box > User Interface - Manager > Tabs Overview >


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The Presets tab lets you create, edit,  paste and apply presets in a browser view. To open a preset tab, navigate to Tabs - Presets and choose one of the preset banks to be shown in the tab. You may as well make a right-click on a preset type in the project tab and choose "Open Browser".

Please note that the preset feature itself is described in the Preset chapter.


preset-view_context-menu-01The context menu of the Presets tab provides the following options for creating and organizing presets:

[Create Preset]
Creates a snapshot preset by looking at the current active values and copying them as a preset key (at zero time) according to the current preset bank.

Deletes the entire preset bank and all including presets. A new preset bank can be created in the Project Tab

Saves all including presets as an XML file.

Adds the previously exported presets to the preset bank.

preset-view_context-menuThe context menu of the preset itself provides the same options for creating and organizing presets as in the project tab (except the rename function):

[Apply (Selected Devices)]
Applies a preset, starting at the first selected layer and activates those layer parameters that are stored inside the preset. The values are nor inserted into the timeline.

[Paste Keys (Selected Devices)] or make a single left-click on the preset
Creates a new instance from the preset by pasting its keys the into the currently open sequence starting at the first selected layer.

[Revert All Preset Instances]
Discard the changes made in one or more instance and make them all comply with to the master preset again.

[Store Active]
Stores all active parameter values to the preset that are allowed to be stored in this preset type.

[Store Active (Selected Devices)]
Stores all active values of the selected devices to the preset.

Removes the preset.

Saves all including presets as an XML file.