World Settings

Navigation:  Widget Designer > Devices > AirScanManager >

World Settings

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Navigation:  Widget Designer > Devices > AirScanManager >

World Settings

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This chapter explains the World Settings of AirScanManager. For more information please see the introductory chapter.

NOTE: World Settings is only available in Advanced mode. To access World Settings, in Advanced mode, select the Settings in the canvas.

Wd_World Settings

Change the global orientation to degrees. So the setup of devices in AirScanManager meets the real life setup. The default value is 0. If you have automatically calibrated the AirScanManager, this value is set automatically as it is assumed that the TPM is always aligned parallel to the floor (vertical installation) or to a wall (horizontal installation).

Invert the orientation.

Show Origin:
Check this option to display XY coordinates (in mm) of the global coordinate system in the AMP.
