This chapter explains the Calibration settings in the AirScan Tool in Widget Designer, which allows an intuitive calibration of the Active Region. For more information please see the introductory chapter.
The Auto-Calibration method is an alternative to the "Draw Region (of Interest)" option or manual input of the position and size of the Active Region which is explained in the last chapter.
This is a step-by-step description how to use the Auto-Calibration:
1. Draw an approximate Active region around your desired touch area. The points used for the Auto-Calibration have to be recognized as active points.
2. Interrupt the AirScan field at the position of the first corner. The corner should be the top left one when looking at the preview window of the AirScan tool in WD, so in real and depending on your orientation of the AirScan it might be another one.
3. In WD, press [P1]. This captures the coordinates of the upper left corner and you will see the corner's position (x/y in px, relative to the coordinate system created by the current Active Region) next to the button.
4. Now interrupt the AirScan field at the position of the second corner, the lower right one when looking at the preview window of the AirScan tool in WD.
5. Press [P2]. This captures the coordinates of the lower right corner and you will see the corner's position (x/y in px) next to the button.
6. When this is done, press [Calc] and the position values will be transferred into the Active Region Settings. Please note: the Safe Region has to be adjusted manually, e.g. with a size 10% larger than the Active Region.
The next chapter explains the settings for Point Tracking.