All anti-aliasing effects improve the image quality by smoothing pixelated or jagged edges within the image. There are various methods to achieve this. This anti-aliasing effect applies an directionally localized anti-aliasing (DLAA) algorithm that you can adjust with a "Mix" parameter. Technical Information
All anti-aliasing effects improve the image quality by smoothing pixelated or jagged edges within the image. There are various methods to achieve this. This anti-aliasing effect applies a normal filter anti-aliasing (NFAA) algorithm that you can adjust with a "Mix" and "Scale" parameter. Technical Information
All anti-aliasing effects improve the image quality by smoothing pixelated or jagged edges within the image. There are various methods to achieve this. This anti-aliasing effect applies a super sampling anti-aliasing (SSAA) algorithm that you can adjust with a "Mix", "Width" and "Softness" parameter. Technical Information