All Downsampling effects improve the image quality by smoothing pixelated or jagged edges within the image and can be used alternatively to an anti-aliasing effect. Technical Information
All Downsampling effects improve the image quality by smoothing pixelated or jagged edges within the image and can be used alternatively to an anti-aliasing effect. Technical Information
All Downsampling effects improve the image quality by smoothing pixelated or jagged edges within the image and can be used alternatively to an anti-aliasing effect. Technical Information
Overlays those pixels of the layer that are alpha (transparent) and adjacent to opaque (non see-through) pixels. The overlay line can be colored and blurred which creates the impression of a glowing line. You can adjust the amount as well es the X- and Y-offset of the blur. Technical Information
Overlays those pixels of the layer that are alpha (transparent) and adjacent to opaque (non see-through) pixels. In difference to the above effect "Blur XY Alpha Glow Color" the overlay is simply black. You can adjust the amount as well es the X- and Y-offset of the blur. Technical Information
Blurs the alpha (transparent) areas of the layer, all opaque (non see-through) areas stay sharp. You can adjust the amount as well es the X- and Y-offset. Technical Information
Blurs all RGBA pixels of the layer. You can adjust the amount as well es the X- and Y-offset. Technical Information
This effect looks for opaque (non see-through) areas of the layer that are (partially) surrounded by alpha (transparent) areas. Then it enlarges the size of the opaque areas according to the "Amount" parameter by repeating the opaque pixels. Technical Information
This effect looks for areas in the layer that are brighter than those areas that (partially) surrounded them. Then it enlarges their size according to the "Amount" parameter by repeating the brighter pixels. This effect might be of interest when working with a generated mask (e.g. coloring regions of interest in black or white) and there are small areas left that should be the opposite color. This appears as so called noise. A combination of a dilate and erode effect can reduce the noise. Technical Information
This effect looks for opaque (non see-through) areas of the layer that are (partially) surrounded by alpha (transparent) areas. Then it reduces the size of the opaque areas according to the "Amount" parameter by repeating the adjacent transparent pixels. Technical Information
This effect looks for areas in the layer that are darker than those areas that (partially) surrounded them. Then it enlarges their size according to the "Amount" parameter by repeating the darker pixels. This effect might be of interest when working with a generated mask (e.g. coloring regions of interest in black or white) and there are small areas left that should be either black or white. This appears as so called noise. A combination of a dilate and erode effect can reduce the noise. Technical Information
This is a switchable Gaussian Blur effect. Technical Information
This adds a Gaussian Blur effect to the layer. Technical Information
This effect looks for bright pixels in the layer texture and adds brightness to surrounding pixels, thus they appear to glow. Technical Information
Overlays those pixels of the layer that are alpha (transparent) and adjacent to opaque (non see-through)pixels. The overlay line can be colored and blurred with a radial blur which creates the impression of a glowing shadow in one direction. You can adjust the amount as well es the X- and Y-direction and the intensity of the radial blur. Technical Information
Blurs the alpha (transparent) areas of the layer with a radial blur effect. All opaque (non see-through) areas stay sharp. You can adjust the amount as well es the X- and Y-direction and the intensity of the radial blur. Technical Information
Blurs all RGBA pixels of the layer with a radial blur. You can adjust the amount as well es the X- and Y-direction and the intensity. Technical Information
This adds a delay of one frame when applied to any Output device. Note that this effect can not be applied twice to an Output to generate an delay of two frames!
This effect is based on the Layer's Z Position or render history as explained in the manual chapter "Compositing". The layer with the assigned "Render Delay" effect makes a composition of all layers behind it. In the example, the "render" layer is positioned in the foreground, its main media is a transparent image. In the background there is a layer with a running timecode video and a particle system (also with a transparent media!). Technical Information
This effect is based on the Layer's Z Position or render history as explained in the manual chapter "Compositing". The layer with the assigned "Render Draw Media" effect makes a composition of all layers behind it. In the example, the "render" layer is positioned in the foreground, its main media is a transparent image whilst the effect's media is a rainbow image. In the background there is a grass layer and a particle system (also with a transparent media!). Technical Information
This effect is based on the Layer's Z Position or render history as explained in the manual chapter "Compositing". The layer with the assigned "Render Draw Media" effect makes a composition of all layers behind it. In the example, the "render" layer is positioned in the foreground, its main media is a transparent image. In the background there is a grass layer and a particle system (also with a transparent media!). Technical Information
Delays a Video File as if it blends over several frames. Technical Information