Blend Mode

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Blend Mode

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Navigation:  Pandoras Box > Devices and Layer Parameters > Video Layer >

Blend Mode

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In digital image editing, blend modes are used to determine how a layer blends with underlying layers. In Pandoras Box, the default blend mode (called "Normal") has the effect that the top layer simply obscures the background layer(s) and its RGB values stay unchanged. Only if the top layer has (partly) transparent parts, the layer(s) below can be seen. The other blend modes mix the RGB values of the respective layers in a different way, e.g. add them up or subtract them.
To switch the blend mode, first select the top layer. Per default, that is the one with the higher Layer number or the one nearer to the Camera Layer. In the tab "Device Controls", click on the + symbol above "Blend Mode". Open the drop-down list which offers all available modes and choose one. If needed, adjust the opacity value with the "Opacity" fader.


External Control via DMX, Widget Designer, etc.

You can control the Blend Mode parameter externally, simply send a value (0 to 19) to set the drop-down to this index.
For DMX control, the chapter DMX Tables lists all parameter information, for other external control e.g. via the Widget Designer the Parameter List is of interest.


hmtoggle_arrow1Normal - 0
hmtoggle_arrow1Mask & Fill - 1,2
hmtoggle_arrow1Screen - 3
hmtoggle_arrow1Add - 4
hmtoggle_arrow1Custom - 5
hmtoggle_arrow1Premultiplied Alpha - 6
hmtoggle_arrow1Darken - 7
hmtoggle_arrow1Multiply - 8
hmtoggle_arrow1Color Burn - 9
hmtoggle_arrow1Linear Burn - 10
hmtoggle_arrow1Lighten - 11
hmtoggle_arrow1Color Dodge - 12
hmtoggle_arrow1Overlay - 13
hmtoggle_arrow1Soft Light - 14
hmtoggle_arrow1Hard Light - 15
hmtoggle_arrow1Difference - 16
hmtoggle_arrow1Exclusion - 17
hmtoggle_arrow1Subtract - 18
hmtoggle_arrow1Negation - 19