Point Tracking

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Point Tracking

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Navigation:  Widget Designer > Devices > AirScanManager >

Point Tracking

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This chapter explains the Point Tracking settings in the AirScanManager in Widget Designer. For more information please see the introductory chapter.

Almost all settings in this section can be scripted using the available commands on an object instance of the AirScanManager (for example AirScanManager1.GapSize = 14).


Minimum Object Size (mm):
Defines the size of the object. The default value is 10 mm and the maximum is 5000 mm.


NOTE: The following features are only available in Advanced mode.

Gap Size (mm):
The gap size is the gap between objects (hands) to cluster separately. The default value of the gap is 40 mm and the maximum is 5000 mm. If 2 touchpoints are closer than the gap size they will be merged to one touchpoint.

Enter here the number of points that should be detected as touchpoints and provided for further processing. The default value is 8.

Validation Cycles:
The validation cycle defines the number of rays that are interrupted to validate a touch point. The default value is 3.

Max Speed (mm/s):
Defines the speed in detecting the points. The default value is 100 mm per second.