This chapter gives an overview of the members available for the Blackmagic Atem device. Please read the chapter "Blackmagic Atem" if you would like to know how to add and use this device. As explained in the topic "Object and Member Notation (dot syntax)", a variety of objects can be addressed in the scripting language by using their members which set, or return if applicable, properties or methods of that object. Please refer to the chapter "Script Language" for more details about scripting in general.
Project.Blackmagic_Atem(deviceName or ID) |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This gives access to all further members of the device "Blackmagic_Atem" from the Configuration dialog. Using the Project object is an alternative to addressing the device directly by entering its name. the Project object allows you to address the device through its name or ID. Substituting the ID with a dynamic variable allows automation. Actions can be performed on many devices of the same type simultaneously, e.g. by using for-loops: For i = 1 to 10 { |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.Auxes |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the amount of AUX outputs the Atem model has. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.AuxiliaryRoutes |
Example: Alternative Examples: |
The command returns an array with the current AUX Routing. Index 0 is AUX1, index 1 is AUX2, and so on. The values are the VideoSourceIDs of the routed Videosource. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.DeviceModel |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the name of the device model. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.DeviceName |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the name of the device. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.Disable |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This disables the Atem device in the Configuration dialog as if the "Enable" check box in the window was unchecked. Use the .Enable member to reverse this command. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.DSKs |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the amount of DSKs the model has. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.DVEs |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the amount of DVEs the model has. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.Enable |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command enables the Atem device in the Configuration dialog as if the "Enable" check box in the window was checked. Use the .Disable member to reverse this command. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.GetAuxOutputSource |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the VideoSourceID that is routed to a specific AUX Output, in this case AUX3. It addresses the AUX directly from 1 to maximum of the device. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.GetAuxOutputSourceName |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the VideoSource Long Name that is routed to a specific AUX Output, in this case AUX2. It addresses the AUX directly from 1 to maximum of the device. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.GetDownstreamKeyOnAir |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command gets the OnAir state of the DSK. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.GetDownstreamKeyTie |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the DSK TIE state. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.GetRoutedVideoSource |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the routed VideoSourceID of an Output VideoSourceID. In this case, the Label1 will show the VideoSourceID of AUX5. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.GetRoutedVideoSourceName |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the routed long name of an Output VideoSourceID. In the example, Label1 will display the long name of whatever is routed to AUX5. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.GetUpstreamKeyOnAir |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the OnAir state of the UpstreamKeyer. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.GetVideoSourceLongName |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the LongName of the VideoSourceID. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.GetVideoSourceShortName |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the ShortName of the VideoSource. Note: The script help for short names is only available on a connected device. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.IpAddress |
Example: Alternative Examples: |
This returns the IP address of the device "Blackmagic_Atem1" as a string. The result could look as follows: The first example shows how to use it with a string variable named "vstring". You could also write it into a Widget, e.g. a Label via the script: Label1.Text = Project.Blackmagic_Atem(1).IpAddress You can also assign an IP address to the connected Blackmagic Atem device. WD automatically connects to it afterwards. Blackmagic_Atem1.IpAddress = "" |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.IsConnected |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the connection status for the device "Blackmagic_Atem1" in the Configuration dialog as a Boolean value. The result is "True" if the device is connected and "False" if it is currently disconnected. The first example shows how to use it with a Boolean variable named "vboolean". You could also write it into a Widget, e.g. a Label via the script: Label1.Text = Blackmagic_Atem1.IsConnected |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.IsEnabled |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the connection status of the check box "Enable" for the device "Blackmagic_Atem1" in the Configuration dialog as a string or Boolean value. The result is "True" if the device is enabled and "False" if it is currently not enabled. The first example shows how to use it with a Boolean variable named "vboolean". You could also write it into a Widget, e.g. a Label via the script: Label1.Text = Blackmagic_Atem1.IsEnabled |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.MediaPlayers |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the amount of MediaPlayers the model has. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.MEs |
Example: Alternative Examples: |
This command returns the amount of M/Es the model has. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.PerformAutoTransition |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command performs an auto transition on a specified M/E. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.PerformCut |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command performs a CUT transition on a specified M/E. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.PreviewRoutes |
Example: Alternative Examples: |
This command holds an array with the current M/E PRV Routing. Index 0 is M/E 1, Index 1 is M/E 2, and so on. The values are the VideoSourceIDs of the routed VideoSource. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.ProgramRoutes |
Example: Alternative Examples: |
This command holds an array with the current M/E PGM Routing. Index 0 is M/E 1, Index 1 is M/E 2, and so on. The values are the VideoSourceIDs of the routed VideoSource. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetAuxOutputSource |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command routes a VideoSource to a specific AUX. AUX IDs start with 1 for AUX1. Note: Video source names inside scripts will not be updated automatically. However, scripts will keep working even if names have changed since they reply on ID and not on the name. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetDownstreamKeyOnAir |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command changes the OnAir state of the DSK. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetDownstreamKeyTie |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command changes the Tie state of the DSK. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetMediaPlayerSource |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command loads a specific Clip or Still into a MediaPlayer. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetMultiViewWindowInput |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command changes the VideoSource of a Multiviewer Input. In the example Multiview No 1 Input 3 is changed to VideoSource 1000 - Color Bars. Note: Video source names inside scripts will not be updated automatically. However, scripts will keep working even if names have changed since they rely on ID and not on the name. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetPreviewInput |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command routes a specific VideoSource to the Preview of the specified M/E. In this example, VideoSource 5 is routed to Preview of M/E 2. Note: Video source names inside scripts will not be updated automatically. However, scripts will keep working even if names have changed since they rely on ID and not on the name. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetProgramInput |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command cuts a VideoSrouce to a specific M/E. In this example, VideoSourceID 7 to M/E 2. Note: Video source names inside scripts will not be updated automatically. However, scripts will keep working even if names have changed since they rely on ID and not on the name. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetShortVideoSourceName |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command changes the short name of a specific VideoSourceID. A shortname has a maximum length of 4 characters. VideoSourceIDs differ between Atem models. The source ID can always be read from the Blackmagic_Atem1.VideoSources array and will also be suggested via ScriptAssist. Note: The script help for short names are only available on a connected device. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetTransitionRate |
Example: Alternative Examples: |
This command changes the transition rate of the next transition of a specific M/E depending on the style of the transition. In this example, transition rate of M/E 2 was changed to 80 frames or 3:05 sec (25fps base) for the "Dip" transition style. Rate has a range of 1 to 250 frames. Style options are "Mix", "Dip", "Wipe", "Stinger", and "DVE". You can also use the corresponding index: O - mix, 1 - dip ... |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetTransitionSelection |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command changes what will be included in the next transition. TransitionParameter defines which Background or Keyer are part of the next Transition. State defines if the parameter will be 1=on or 0=off. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetTransitionStyle |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command changes the transition style of the next transition of a specific M/E. In this example, transition style of M/E 2 was changed to "Wipe". Options are "Mix", "Dip", "Wipe", "Stinger", and "DVE". You can also use the corresponding index: 0 - mix, 1 - dip ... |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetUpstreamKeyOnAir |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This member changed the ON-Air state of an UpstreamKeyer of a specific M/E. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetVideoSourceLongName |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command changes the long name of a specific VideoSourceID. VideoSourceIDs differ between Atem models. The source ID can always read from the Blackmagic_Atem1.VideoSources array and will also be suggested via ScriptAssist. Note: Video source names inside scripts will not be updated automatically. However, scripts will keep working even if names have changed since they rely on ID and not on the name. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.SetVideoSourceShortName |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command changes the short name of a specific VideoSourceID. VideoSourceIDs differ between Atem models. The source ID can always be read from the Blackmagic_Atem1.VideoSources array and will also be suggested via ScriptAssist. Note: Video source names inside scripts will not be updated automatically. However, scripts will keep working even if names have changed since they rely on ID and not on the name. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.TriggerDownstreamKeyAuto |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command triggers an autotransition of the selected DSK. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.USKs |
Example: Alternative Example: |
This command returns the amount of UpStreamKeyer (USKs) the model has. |
Blackmagic_Atem_Name.VideoSources |
Example: Alternative Example: |
The command is an array that always represents the ID together with the corresponding long and short names of all VideoSources the Atem device has. You CANNOT access an index of the array directly. Instead, first you have to assign it to a variable like in the example. It will return an array that looks like this: [["0:Black:BLK", "1:Camera 1:CAM1", "2:Camera 2:CAM2", "3:Camera 3:CAM3", "4:Camera 4:CAM4", "5:Camera 5:CAM5", "6:Camera 6:CAM6", "7:Camera 7:CAM7", "8:Camera 8:CAM8", "9:Camera 9:CAM9", "10:Camera 10:CM10", "1000:Color Bars:BARS", "2001:Color 1:COL1", "2002:Color 2:COL2", "3010:Media Player 1:MP1", "3011:Media Player 1 Key:MP1K", "3020:Media Player 2:MP2", "3021:Media Player 2 Key:MP2K", "4010:Key 1 Mask:M1K1", "4020:Key 2 Mask:M1K2", "4030:Key 3 Mask:M1K3", "4040:Key 4 Mask:M1K4", "5010:DSK 1 Mask:DK1M", "5020:DSK 2 Mask:DK2M", "7001:Clean Feed 1:CFD1", "7002:Clean Feed 2:CFD2", "8001:Auxiliary 1:AUX1", "8002:Auxiliary 2:AUX2", "8003:Auxiliary 3:AUX3", "10010:Program:PGM", "10011:Preview:PVW"]] |