Flex Input Cards

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Flex Input Cards

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Flex Input Cards

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This chapter describes the optional Flex input card from Deltacast. For other input or output boards, please see the introductory chapter.

The FLEX solution is a combination of a gateway card and external modules/boards which are connected through specific cables. To get more or different connector types, simply connect another boards that offers the needed connectors. This allows to mix various connection types​ just as your show requires it. Changing the available inputs is just a matter of seconds and there is not need to open the chassis. Thus the FLEX input card is especially of interest for Rental and Staging customers or whenever changing setups are needed. Another advantage is that there is less space needed in the Server itself as the gateway card just occupies one PCI Express slot. The external modules can be used as floating devices or can be integrated in a 19'' rack offered by Deltacast.



The gateway card offers four inputs and each can be connected to one of the following input / capture modules. So in total, you could input up to 16 SDI channels (12x 3G or 4x 12G) or alternatively, four 4K60 streams via DisplayPort 1.2 or HDMI 2.0, or a mixture of them.

Important information:

Never hot plug the modules! Shut down the system first and then connect or disconnect them.

12G-SDI Module: Supported Video and Audio Formats

3G-SDI Module: Supported Video and Audio Formats

DisplayPort Module: Supported Video and Audio Formats

HDMI Module: Supported Video and Audio Formats