Multitouch Item Properties

Navigation:  Widget Designer > Widgets > Panel > Multitouch Panel >

Multitouch Item Properties

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Navigation:  Widget Designer > Widgets > Panel > Multitouch Panel >

Multitouch Item Properties

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To create a MultiTouchPanel widget choose "Widgets > Panels > MultiTouchPanel". The mouse cursor changes to a crosshairs icon, indicating the create mode. Each left-click adds the selected widget to the current page. To quit the create mode, you can switch to the run mode with [F8], where you can use all widgets. Most widgets however need to be set up first.

To edit the MultiTouchPanel properties simply right-click it and choose the first menu entry "MultiTouchPanel Properties". Alternatively, you can press [Alt + P] whilst the mouse is hovering above it or switch to the edit / move mode with [F9] and double-click on it. The MultiTouch Dialog opens up. Don't worry if this takes a bit longer than opening the Item Properties of other controls.


General Widget Settings


A unique name can be entered to identify the widget via the Object and Member Notation. The default name is based on the widget type and ID.


This drop-down offers all available pages to place the widget on.

The VNC Panel's ID may be changed by entering a new one in the text field top left. If you change it, you will be asked if you also want to adapt the name to the new ID.


A short note can be added here. It is not displayed outside the widget but can be set and retrieved with the WidgetID.Note property member.


Uncheck this box to hide the widget.

When the option "Fix" is checked, the VNC Panel will be displayed on every page.


Enter a pixel size for the VNC Panel's size.

X and Y:

Enter the location of the widget (upper left corner) in pixels


The Item Properties dialog is divided into three different sections:
Panel Settings,

Device Settings,

Pandoras Box Settings. and

Effects & Animations.