Scrolls the media from right to left or left to right by repeating it endlessly. The scrolling speed and horizontal aspect ratio can be adjusted. If the "Width" parameter is set to the texture's width, no scaling occurs. Technical Information
Please use the effect "AutoAspect Scroll Horizontal (infinite)" instead. The different calculation of the scrolling allows infinite usage. Technical Information
Splits the layer texture horizontally into two areas. The layer texture is repeated, whilst "Factor" defines the offset. The separation can be softedged manually. This effect allows splitting the Pandoras Box output when for example using (Matrox) Dual Head Devices. Assign it to the output itself or to a layer that is toggled into the Output Rendering Pass by using the Layer Inspector. Technical Information
Splits the layer texture vertically into two areas. The layer texture is repeated, whilst "Factor" defines the offset. The separation can be softedged manually. This effect allows splitting the Pandoras Box output when for example using (Matrox) Dual Head Devices. Assign it to the output itself or to a layer that is toggled into the Output Rendering Pass by using the Layer Inspector. Technical Information
Splits the layer texture horizontally into three areas. The layer texture is repeated, whilst "Factor" defines the offset. The separation can be softedged manually. This effect allows splitting the Pandoras Box output when for example using (Matrox) Tripple Head Devices. Assign it to the output itself or to a layer that is toggled into the Output Rendering Pass by using the Layer Inspector. Technical Information
Splits the layer texture vertically into three areas. The layer texture is repeated, whilst "Factor" defines the offset. The separation can be softedged manually. This effect allows splitting the Pandoras Box output when for example using (Matrox) Tripple Head Devices. Assign it to the output itself or to a layer that is toggled into the Output Rendering Pass by using the Layer Inspector. Technical Information
Resizes and repositions the image by adjusting the UV map, i.e. without affecting the layer's scale and position values. To calculate the precise size parameter: size factor*65535, Technical Information
Allows rotating the UV map of the layer texture without affecting the layer's rotation values. The texture is repeated. Technical Information
Allows rotating the UV Mapping of the layer texture without affecting the layer's rotation values. The texture is not repeated. Technical Information
Resizes and repositions the image by adjusting the UV map, i.e. without affecting the layer's scale and position values. To calculate the precise size parameter: (1-1/2*size factor)*65535, Technical Information
Allows tiling the UV Mapping of the layer texture. Technical Information
Enlarges the content of the layer texture slightly. Technical Information
Resizes and repositions the image by adjusting the UV map, i.e. without affecting the layer's scale and position values. To calculate the precise size parameter: (1-1/2*size factor)*65535, Technical Information
Replicates the layer texture four times and adjusts the UV map. Technical Information
Resizes and repositions the image by adjusting the UV map, i.e. without affecting the layer's scale and position values. Technical Information
Scrolls the media endlessly in horizontal and / or vertical direction. The scrolling speed in x- and y-direction as well as x- and y-scale can be adjusted. Technical Information
Allows to blend the left edge of a texture with a copy of the content of the right edge. At the same time the right edge blends into the left part. This is of interest when you have a 360° projection and your setup in Pandoras Box is that cameras are spread out and look onto one layer (see image). In case your content shows a hard edge because the right and left pixels do not match you can blend the area with this effect. Technical Information
Allows to blend the upper edge of a texture with a copy of the content of the bottom edge. At the same time the bottom edge blends into the upper part. This is of interest when you have a 360° projection with rotated projectors and your setup in Pandoras Box is that cameras are spread out and look onto one layer (see image). In case your content shows a hard edge because the top and bottom pixels do not match you can blend them. Technical Information