Pandoras Box Keyboard Shortcuts

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Pandoras Box Keyboard Shortcuts

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Navigation:  Pandoras Box > User Interface - Manager >

Pandoras Box Keyboard Shortcuts

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Launch help


Rename (e.g. in tabs: Project or Device Tree)

Ctrl + Z

Undo last step

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Redo undone step

Ctrl + left mouse click

Add another item to the current selection
(e.g. in tabs: Project, Asset, Device Tree, Sequence)

Shift + left mouse click

Add another item and all items in between to the current selection

Ctrl + Pause

Lock / unlock GUI (keyboard, mouse, Jog/Shuttle)

File Menu

Ctrl + N

New project

Ctrl + O

Open project

Ctrl + S

Save project

Ctrl + Shift + S

Save project as

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S

Save project copy

Ctrl + Shift + B

Bundle project

Ctrl + W

Close project

Ctrl + Q or Alt + F4

Exit application

Assets, Project,
Playlist and
Video Export

F5 or Ctrl + Shift + A

Refresh file tree in Assets tab

Shift + S

Spread all resources

Ctrl + Alt + Y

Toggle sync of selected Live Inputs in Project tab

Ctrl + Alt + K

Toggle 4K mode of selected Live Inputs in Project tab

Ctrl + A

Select all entries in a Playlist

Ctrl + Q

Stop the current Video Export



Zoom (changes parameter "Viewpoint Z Pos")

(middle mouse button / wheel)

Pan (changes parameters "Viewpoint" and "Target" X- and Y-axis)

Alt + Drag

Rotate  (changes parameters "Viewpoint" X, Y and Z Pos)

Alt + Shift + Drag

only in Camera Mode, changes "Target" with constraint

Shift + Drag

only in Cam. Mode, changes "Viewport"+"Target" with constraint

Ctrl + 0

Apply default view to Camera or Output when in Zoom mode

Ctrl + F

Toggle local Fullscreen


Leave Fullscreen (when enabled in Configuration > Render Engine)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Toggle maximized Preview


Show / Hide Toolbar in maximzed Preview

Ctrl + P

Open dialog Parameter Floater


Apply Move, Scale, Rotation mode


Set axis constraint for X-, Y- and Z-axis

M, F, V

Select Sub Mesh, FFD or Vertex

symbol_keyboard_arrow_left / symbol_keyboard_arrow_right / symbol_keyboard_arrow_up / symbol_keyboard_arrow_down / left mouse click

Select single Sub Mesh, FFD or Vertex point

Ctrl + symbol_keyboard_arrow_left / symbol_keyboard_arrow_right / symbol_keyboard_arrow_up / symbol_keyboard_arrow_down
or left mouse click

Add another control point to the current selection

(Alt +) Shift + symbol_keyboard_arrow_left / symbol_keyboard_arrow_right / symbol_keyboard_arrow_up / symbol_keyboard_arrow_down

Warp Mesh according to selected Sub Mesh, FFD or Vertex points ([Alt] key for 10 steps at once)

Alt + symbol_keyboard_arrow_left / symbol_keyboard_arrow_right / symbol_keyboard_arrow_up / symbol_keyboard_arrow_down

Move current selection

Drag bounding box handle 'Scale' + Alt

In Workspace and 2D Sub Mesh mode, the layer scales from the center.

Drag bounding box handle 'Scale' + Shift

In Workspace and 2D Sub Mesh mode, keeps the aspect ratio.

Alt + T

In Workspace and 2D Sub Mesh mode and focus on preview, will toggle snapping.

Open /
Show Tab

Ctrl + R



Ctrl + M


Ctrl + T


Ctrl + I

Device Viewer

Ctrl + Shift + M

Task Manager

Ctrl + D

Active Values

Ctrl + Shift + R


Ctrl + K


Ctrl + Shift + L

Device Controls

Ctrl + E


Device Tree, Sequence, Cue List and Curve Editor


Play / Pause

symbol_keyboard_arrow_left / symbol_keyboard_arrow_right

Set the Nowpointer to the previous / next frame

Ctrl + symbol_keyboard_arrow_left / symbol_keyboard_arrow_right

Jump to previous / next key (including clip borders)

Ctrl + Alt + symbol_keyboard_arrow_left / symbol_keyboard_arrow_right

Jump to previous / next cue

symbol_keyboard_plus / symbol_keyboard_minus on the main keyboard;
Alt + Mouse wheel;
Shift + left mouse drag up/down in the time bar (above the timeline)

Zoom the Sequence time

Ctrl + 0

Reset timeline zoom level to 100%

Alt + left mouse drag in timeline

Marquee Zoom (zooms to selected keys or containers)

Left mouse drag in the timeline
(+ Alt)

Select keys and containers in the Sequence
(and cues in the time bar - when Alt is pressed after mouse click)

Ctrl + End

Select all Cues, Keys and Containers appearing directly after the nowpointer

Ctrl + G

Group or ungroup the selected container

Ctrl + X

Cut keys, containers and cues

Ctrl + C

Copy keys, containers and cues

Ctrl + V

Paste keys, containers and cues to the same Device/ current time

Ctrl + Shift + V

Paste keys and containers to the selected Device

Shift + symbol_keyboard_arrow_left / symbol_keyboard_arrow_right

Move selected keys and containers to previous / next frame

Ctrl + left mouse drag

Drag a copy of selected keys, containers and cues

Shift + left mouse drag

Drag selected container(s) without changing Layers

Alt + left mouse drag

Drag selected container(s) without changing the time

Alt + Shift + left mouse drag

Drag selected container(s) without snapping to other elements


Clear current Device / Layer selection

Alt + A

Toggle "Show all Devices" in Device Tree

Ctrl + Shift + I

Toggle "Ignore Next Cue" for current Sequence

Ctrl + Alt + A

Mark all values as (red) active values

Ctrl + Alt + C

Clear all active values but do not reset them

Ctrl + Alt + R

Reset all values

Ctrl + Alt + S

Store active values as keys to the timeline

Ctrl + Alt + D

Store active values for selected Device(s) only

Ctrl + Alt + W

Store active values at the beginning of the container

Ctrl + Alt + E

Store active values of the selected device at the beginning of the container

Shift + symbol_keyboard_plus / symbol_keyboard_minus

Zoom the parameter value in the Curve Editor tab

Ctrl + U

Cue List tab: Show selected Cue in the Inspector and Sequence

Ctrl + J

Cue List tab: Jump with Nowpointer to selected cue

Hide / Show parameters
for the selected Layer(s)
in the Device Tree


Only parameters used in sequence





Show all parameters


Hide all parameters




Object (Mesh)


Opacity (Intensity)


Blend Mode












Rotation Pivot




Scale Pivot




Particle System

Kiosk Mode

Ctrl + O

Open file

Ctrl + Shift + O

Open (previously saved) Playlist

Ctrl + S

Save Playlist

Ctrl + Shift + S

Save Playlist as


Play / Pause Playlist

Ctrl + F

Toggle Fullscreen


Leave Fullscreen