
Navigation:  Pandoras Box > User Interface - Manager > Tabs Overview >


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Navigation:  Pandoras Box > User Interface - Manager > Tabs Overview >


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The Configuration tab in Pandoras Box is divided into four categories: User, Local, Global and Sites. Each category offers several sections which are described in detail on the following pages. Please note that in the Pandoras Box interface itself, every section offers a question mark icon. When you click on it, the installed help file will open and display the according page.

The Configuration tab is part of the default View. In case you closed it, please click on "Tabs" in the Toolbar and choose "Configuration" or use the shortcut [Ctrl + K]. Even if it was already open and simply overlaid by another tab, it is now the visible tab within the pane.


All User settings can be stored in profiles (see below) and apply to the local instance only. In case you work in a Multi-User environment, changes in profiles are shared with others.

- Resources
- Sequence
- Preview Display
- Unit Management

Since Pandoras Box V8 you can save all settings from this category in so called User Profiles. Any new project offers the User Profile called "Default". If you change a setting and save your project, it saves the changes for the "Default" profile. If you create another User Profile with different settings, it is saved in the project too. You can also export and import a profile. An exported profile has the file ending "pup". You can rename all profiles except the Default one; keep in mind that they must have a unique name.
In addition, profiles are automatically shared with other Users when working in a Multi-User session. Note that the "Default" profile is selected per default, hence changes apply to these instances too. But of course, every User can apply an individual profile and as mentioned above it only influences the local instance. If deleting a profile, it also disappears for other Multi-Users. PB warns you in case you are deleting a profile that is used by another Mutli-User. The Configuration tab and Multi-User tab display which profile is used by which Multi-User.


The Local settings refer to the local computer setup. Mostly they are saved in a local setup file and not in the project file!

- Network
- Remote Control Protocols: e.g. DMX, Art-Net, Midi...
- Startup (Local)
- Local Preview
- 3D Hardware
- SMPTE Time Code
- Web Server
- Controller Setup
- Cache


The Global settings refer to all instances at the same time. In case you work in a Multi-User environment, these settings are shared (i.e. synced) with others.

- Resources
- Startup (Global)
- Devices / Parameters
- Client Display
- Unit Management


The Sites settings can be adjusted for each Site individually. In case you work in a Multi-User environment, these settings are shared (i.e. synced) with others.

- Render Engine
- ASIO Audio